About Sports

Future of a nation is healthy only when its young generation are physically fit and strong. Sports and games activities form an integral part of the total education system. It is Sports which makes an individual complete. It helps in the attainment of the ultimate aim of education. Games and Sports play a vital role in the student’s life. By inculcating this habit of playing various games and sports, our students will be refining their personalities continuously, unleashing their mental and physical capabilities in perfect conscious. Whenever we engage ourselves in sporting activity, we get to face various known and unknown obstacles in our way. A student should study hard to be successful in competitive examinations. But, he should also play games and sports to enjoy the health and vigour of life. Along with bookish learning, a student should spend his time on games and sports also. Either study or work alone makes us exhaust. We remain no longer efficient to do any work. Sports remove our mental exhaustion. Education without sports is incomplete.

A healthy mind dwells in a strong body, so play sports. Keeping this in mind, the institute encourages students to practice and participate in various sports events. As such, institute organize sports obligatorily once as per the academic program in a calendar year. It is momentum duration of joy and jubilation and an enthusiastically awaited relaxing time interval from toils of boring bookish engrossment and endless tiresome homework at college and at home respectively. So, organizing sports at colleges is as important as that of class activity.

With the help of sports committee members we are continuously improving in sports facilities in the campus. We organized sports week for students as well as some sports activities for staff members every year. It is one of the largest co-curricular activity that offer an extensive opportunity to all the students and staff. This venture shall enable the students and staff to have fun, learn new sports, enhance social interaction and tests one’s physical capability. These sports week also offer a break from the daily routine tasks and re-energetic them. The sports week organized in January or February month of the each year. Winners are felicitated with the trophies and certificate in the annual function of the institute.

The institute facilitates various sports grounds/ courts for cricket, volleyball, Kabaddi, table tennis, carom and chess in the campus.

The following sports events have been organized for students during each sports week.

  • Cricket
  • Volleyball
  • Carrom
  • Chess
  • Table Tennis
  • Kabaddi
  • Athletics (Cyclothon, Walkathon)
  • Rope Pulling
  • Hand ball