Heat Transfer Lab |
This lab is a part of curriculum of Chemical 3rd year students with facilities for the group of 30 students to carry out experiments independently. The lab is well-equipped with calibrated equipments and enables students to understand the basics of modes heat transfer i.e. conduction, convection and radiation. Heat Transfer laboratory provides fundamental and industrial knowledge about modes of heat transfer, like conduction, convection and radiation, and their application.
Location:A-28 |
Area:93.54 |
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Fluid Flow Operation |
This lab is a part of curriculum of Chemical 2nd year students with facilities for the group of 30 students to carry out experiments independently. The lab is well-equipped and enables students to understand the basics of fluid flow operation (laminar, turbulant, transition flow etc.) takes place during the process in chemical industry. It also provides platform to study and analyze various properties associated with the fluid when it is in flow condition.
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Location:M-1 |
Area:300 |
Computer Aided Process Synthesis Lab |
This lab is for Chemical final year students with facilities for the group of 30 students to carry out experiments independently. The design engineer need to know the basics of fluids, heat transfer, separations, and reactor engineering for selection of the steps as individual operations and their integration to form an efficient process synthesis.
Location:C-4 |
Area:300 |
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Mechanical Operation Lab |
This lab is for Chemical 3rd year students with facilities for the group of 30 students to carry out experiments independently. The lab is well-equipped and enables students to understand the basics of mechanical operation (crushing, grinding, screening, filtration, etc.) takes place during the process in chemical industry. It also provides platform to study and analyze
various properties associated with the solid when it is in flow condition.
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Location:L-1 |
Area:30 |
Mass Transfer Lab |
This lab is for Chemical 3rd year students with facilities for the group of 30 students to carry out experiments independently. The lab is well-equipped and enables students to understand the principles of mass transfer operations. In this laboratory, unit operations such as distillation, humidification, drying etc. also performed.
Location:L-2 |
Area:30 |
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Instrumentation Process Control Laboratory |
This lab is a part of curriculum of Chemical 3rd year students with facilities for the group of 30 students to carry out experiments independently. The lab is well-equipped with distributed controlled system and enables students to understand the basics concept of Automation.
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Location:L-3 |
Area:45 |