Prof. Jency P. Mevawala
Appreciation Certificate
Appreciated for being an Event Coordinator called "Construct 0 Planning".
5th - 6th February 2024
Dr. Neetu B. Yadav
ISTE Award
Awarded with VBT best teaching faculty in degree engineering College for the year 2017-18 at ADIT during 22nd ISTE Convention
30th December-2017
Prof. Jency P. Mevawala
Academic - Participated in Earth Day Quiz held by SVNIT
The Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) is the national level flagship program of the Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of India for sustainable rural development. In the UBA, the SVNIT, Surat is one of the Regional Coordinating Institutes among 50 RCIs of the nation that has been guiding, monitoring, and supporting the Participating Institutes and their adopted Villages under UBA for "Sustainable Rural Development" activities. RCI-UBA, SVNIT, Surat celebrating World Earth Day with interactive and informative Earth Day Quiz! ??.E Certificate is provided once you scored.
23rd April, 2024
Dr. Neetu B. Yadav
4th convocation
Honoured with Gold medal for the Branch topper in Construction management (ME-CIVIL) during 4th convocation of GTU
22nd January,2015
Dr. Yazad C. Jabbar
Won best paper award in the HYDRO 2018 on the theme Hydrological Analysis at International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering.
Dr. Yazad C. Jabbar
Have been recognized as top performers in the course "Advanced Topics in Science and Technology of Concrete." During the Jan-Apr 2024 NPTEL exams, Dr. Yazad C. Jabbar ranked in the top 2% with a score of 86%.This course was developed as part of the SPARC collaborative project between IIT Madras, the University of Cape Town, and the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa.
Prof. Sandip K. Mistry
Prestigious project- Appreciation
“VISHWAKARMA YOJANA: An approach towards Rurbanization” Phase-XI
Prof. Sandip K. Mistry
Prestigious project- Appreciation
“VISHWAKARMA YOJANA: An approach towards Rurbanization” Phase-X
Prof. Sandip K. Mistry
Prestigious project- Appreciation
“VISHWAKARMA YOJANA: An approach towards Rurbanization” Phase-IX
Prof. Sandip K. Mistry
Prestigious project- Appreciation
“VISHWAKARMA YOJANA: An approach towards Rurbanization” Phase-VIII
Prof. Sandip K. Mistry
Prestigious project- Appreciation
“VISHWAKARMA YOJANA: An approach towards Rurbanization” Phase-VII
Prof. Sandip K. Mistry
Prestigious project- Appreciation
“VISHWAKARMA YOJANA: An approach towards Rurbanization” Phase-VI
Prof. Sandip K. Mistry
Prestigious project- Appreciation
“VISHWAKARMA YOJANA: An approach towards Rurbanization” Phase-V
Prof. Sandip K. Mistry
Prestigious project- Appreciation
“VISHWAKARMA YOJANA: An approach towards Rurbanization” Phase-IV
Dr. Yazad C. Jabbar
Scored highest CPI in 3rd Semester of M.E., Stood First in class, and 2nd among all M.E. WRM students of Gujarat Technological University.
Prof. Sandip K. Mistry
Prestigious project- Appreciation
“VISHWAKARMA YOJANA: An approach towards Rurbanization” Phase-III
Prof. Nikunj M. Ashiyani
Poster Presentation
Participated & Secure 1st Rank in Poster Presentation in “Recycle and Reuse of waste water to prevent aquatic life” at GSFC, Vadodara
Prof. Sandip K. Mistry
GTU-Prestigious project- Appreciation
“VISHWAKARMA YOJANA: An approach towards Rurbanization” Phase-II
Prof. Nikunj M. Ashiyani
Participated in One day Workshop on “Avenue for research in the Area of Hydrology, Water Resources and Climate Change Impacts “at SVNIT Surat.
Dr. Yazad C. Jabbar
Winner of collect’d Hydra competition of contech-12, Nirma University
Dr. Yazad C. Jabbar
Extra curricular
Sergeant in 5 Gujarat NCC and was the leader of the St. Xaviers High School, Cadet battalion.
Dr. Neetu B. Yadav
Received first Prize for Paper, “Effect of RBI Grade-81 on expansive soil for Flexible Pavement Subgrade “presented during CTSEM-2019, at SVNIT SURAT
14-15 June 2019
Prof. Jency P. Mevawala
Paper Presentation in 5 th Annual Research on Cities Summit 2021 (ARCS 5.0)
5 th Annual Research on Cities Summit 2021 (ARCS 5.0) 10th - 12th February 2021 School of Human Settlements, Xavier University, Bhubaneswar successfully organized the 5th Annual Research on Cities Summit (ARCS 5.0) with the theme Fit for the Future: Urban Strategies for the New Normal from 10th to 12th February 2021. The ARCS is an annual Conference organized by the School of Human Settlements, Xavier University Bhubaneswar, for academics, professionals, and policy designers to share research and experience on planning and managing human settlements and urbanization. Due to the ongoing pandemic, this year the event was held in an online platform. The event stimulates the development and exchange of knowledge to develop safe, sustainable, and just settlements.Faculty, Research Scholars, and Postgraduate level students from prominent academic institutions in India and other countries such as, IIT, SPA, JNU, Calcutta University, Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh, etc. participated in the conference. This year we received a total of 106 abstracts out of which 58 were presented during the three days of the conference. Each day was scheduled with two parallel technical presentation sessions where researchers presented on topics under the themes - 1. Processes of governance 2. Patterns of economy and employment generation 3. Infrastructure networks and delivery processes 4. Public spaces and place making 5. Housing & Shelter 6. Environmental Risks and Resilience 7. Management and leadership
10th - 12th February 2021
Dr. Neetu B. Yadav
During 2nd International Conference ICCRIP-2017 at NICMAR Pune, awarded with Best Paper (1st Rank)
10-11, November 2017.
Prof. Arun H. Prajapati
I have completed the NPTEL course of GPS Surveying.
01/07/2023 to 31/08/2023
Prof. Arun H. Prajapati
I have completed the NPTEL course of Advanced Topics in Science and Technology of Concrete.
01/02/2024 to 30/03/2024
Prof. Dev P. Naik
I Have successfully completed and topped in ADVANCED TOPICS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF CONCRETE course, Secured ELITE+ SILVER by obtaining 84%
01/02/2024 to 30/03/2024